24 Oct

kin·ship (knshp)


1. Connection by blood, marriage, or adoption; family relationship.
2. Relationship by nature or character; affinity.
3.family relationship or other close tie or relationship.
This definition to me means that although you might have a large family, its the one’s who are most important, or closer to you, who are in your kinship. I have a big family and many friends, but when it comes down to it, i put the most important people in my life in my kinship. I put my intermediate family as well as my grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles because I feel that those are the people who are closest to me in my life. Although the definition of kinship says “connection by blood”, I am not necessarily connected by blood to my aunts or uncles but they are still just as close to me as some of the people that I am blood related to. The people in my kinship diagram are the people who I am not afraid to be myself around; the people who I feel most comfortable with and who I feel i can turn to no matter what. They are the people that I might not always see as often, but i know that when i do see them, things will fall right back into place again. I honestly don’t feel that I would be the same without any of these people in my life. I love each of them very dearly and feel that it is necessary for them to hold a spot on my kinship diagram.

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