17 Oct

Though many people are sheltered by this harsh reality, we are indeed going through an economic crisis. The stock market is down,housing market went down, and unemployment rates are growing. Unemployment areas is where we see the crisis the most and realize we need a change, a solution. But how!? Currently the unemployment rate is over 9% right now. This may not sound like a crisis, but when the normal or average unemployment rate is usually at 4 or 5 percent, there is a problem. There are many different ways to approach this issue. The more democratic way or the republican/ conservative way. But which way is the right way to solve this crisis? In my personal opinion, I feel that mixing and matching is the best way to go about this crisis.

I believe that the way to get America out of this crisis and out of unemployment is to get the government involved. The government should hire people to work. This means that the government needs to make jobs so that people can fill them and get out of unemployment. By the government making more bridges and roads and buildings, this will give people more opportunities for jobs. The government would pay for this to take place while the unemployed get employed with these jobs. Many can argue that this will cause the U.S. to dig ourselves a great hole and become in debt. I feel that for this crisis, we need to start somewhere and worry about that later.

A great debate is the “drilling for oil”  debate. Basically, we have oil on our territory under our ocean. The only way to get it is to drill. The problem that this faces is that if we dig for oil under the ocean, this can pose as a problem with making a mess and the water becoming infested. This is not a problem that many people want to deal with. The reason that drilling for oil will help the economic crisis is because currently we pay millions of dollars to foreign countries for their oil. If we dig it ourselves and sell it, we would be making the millions and millions of dollars instead of spending it. Along with that, more job opportunities come out from that because we need employers to drill.

Another way to help the crisis is to cut the unemployment time. People who are out of work get unemployment checks of 500 dollars a week for 100 weeks. With this time people are supposed to be looking for jobs. But, many people are free loaders and just want to take it easy and live off the governments money for a while and not look for a job until their unemployment time is up. If the unemployment cut was reduced to 50 weeks, it would still give people time to look for jobs but they would probably find jobs quicker knowing that they cant just live off the governments money for too long.

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